Amazing eyeo festival

Eyeo festival is an incredible event that will gather in Minneapolis the best and the most original creative coders and digital artists mostly based in United States.
Ultra-lab team was there last year to lead interviews for the hello World! project and it was amazing! And this second edition seems to be better yet!

You could listen and meet there the creators of Processing, Ben Fry and Casey Reas, and OpenFrameworks, Zachary lieberman, the most incredible creative coders like Aaron Koblin, Manuel Lima, the really risky artists and designers Jesse Louis-Rosenberg and Jessica Rosenkrantz from Nervous system, Kate Hartam with her botanicall Kit, Marius Watz, and the most interesting interactive artists Julian Oliver, Golan Levin, Kyle McDonald, Theo Watson, Emily Gobeille.
if you have the opportunity to go, don’t hesitate!
You can see the program here and buy your ticket there

Time is running out. Thank you all!

More hands in the air

The end of 2011 has also been the end of the publication time of Hello World! in Indiegogo. Even if we didn’t reach the amount we suggested, we are really happy to have received the help of many people who communicated and spread the word, who offered us collaborations (for translation, for distribution, for interviews), and who contributed economically to the project. We sincerely want to thank all of these persons and suggest them to keep walking with us all the way to the launching of the documentaries.
Moreover, during this microfunding step, we had to bring out the project, to show it and to wait for the reactions and the comments that sometimes came from people close to us, sometimes from people totally unknown. This publication results to be very positive: almost 12 000 persons from all around the world have watched the video; among them, 236 have favorited it. More than 90 blogs and websites, as Fayerwayer and Adafruit, have republished the information. This gives us plenty of hope for the next step of the project and seems to indicate that a lot of people is already waiting for the documentaries.

Spanish version

Last days in Indiegogo

Le Semeur
The three last days of Hello World! on Indiegogo are coming. If you want to help us, you’ll be able to contribute until 31th of december. It would be fantastic to receive your help to end this year and to begin the next step of the Hello World! series: edition.

If you cannot economically contribute to the project but wish to help us translating the introduction and/or the videos, as the Openlab Tapei has done and will do in Chinese, or if you want to help us to distribute and communicate on the series, or to offer us any other kind of collaboration, we will be really pleased to receive a comment from you in the page of the project in Indiegogo or directly here in the blog.

In these last three days of 2011, your decision can model the future!

Spanish version

Hello world! tour! Second stop: Toulouse

We spent our last weekend in the Fablab Toulouse Conference, the first event of this kind in Toulouse, organized by Artilect.

Although most of the interventions dealt mainly with digital fabrication, we introduced the HelloWorld documentaries project. Indeed, open languages such as Processing, OpenFrameworks and Pure data are devices that allow experimenting, sketching, testing and inventing your own creations, exactly the way machines in a fablab do.

These languages are oriented to individuals as the fablabs, and aim to propitiate creativity thanks to their ease of use and openness. As you surely know, various artists and designers are already working on the relationships between digital fabrication and Processing for example. So this presentation was for us a great chance to see how to describe the connections between this digital world of creative coding with the physical production.

This gathering allowed us to listen to other interesting ongoing projects and experimentations. We also noted the special emphasis on a kind of “green concern” with numerous projects as the green fablab exposed by Tomás Diez, the open hardware farm exposed by NaïoTechnologies or the solar printer realized by Markus Kayser, projects that were gathered in the “Bio-FabLab & Green Alternative” part of the program. And this was really interesting to us since we work closely with digital fabrication 🙂

Hello world tour! First stop: Granada

Last weekend, we had the chance to participate in the Campus Party Milenio, a huge meeting that gathered, during 3 days, 600 participants all involved in digital culture from a humanist perspective. People from all around the world were here in Granada and exchanged experiences and built new possible collaborations.

Campus Party Milenio 37

As we were selected among the 15 projects of the “Creativity and social media” section we could present Hello world! to the audience and to the jury who had to select the project that most fit in their objectives. So, after our really short presentation (5 minutes), and after listening some very good projects like Deborah Hustic’s, Maxence Parache’s and others, we waited for the jury’s decision and…, at the end, we won!

We won the price in the section of “creativity and social media”. It has been a big surprise and an excellent news: that will really help us!!!

Spanish version

« Hello_world ! » in Indiegogo – We need you !

We have already done the first set of interviews. We have already published the introductory video of the general project that you can watch in this post. We have already connected with our next interviewed and we are collecting excerpts of creations and works to integrate into the movies. But in order to continue, we need your help. That’s why « hello_world ! » is, from now and for 4 months, in Indiegogo, a crowdfunding platform.

“Hello_world!, three documentaries on open programming languages” aims to show the revolution that Processing, Open Frameworks and Pure data have contributed to insufflate into creative and educative environments and the importance of communities in their development.

These documentaries are a way for us to contribute to the diffusion and growth of these creative open languages. That’s why they will be published under a Creative Commons License BY-SA and will be available to all with no restriction in a sharing platform of videos (for instance Vimeo) and in the Web page of the project.

So if you believe that speaking about open and creative programming is important, that creating open contents and spreading free culture is useful, or if you think that communities are the engines of essential social and technological changes, you should maybe contribute to our project.

To contribute, go to Indiegogo.
To obtain more information on the project, you can browse this blog:

Si quieres acceder a la información detallada del objetivo del proyecto y de nuestras necesidades en español, puedes entrar aquí:

Si tu as besoin de l’information détaillée de l’objectif du projet et de nos nécessités en français, tu peux cliquer ici :

Taduzione in italiano:

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Spanish version

Hello_world !, the three documentaries for open programming will be in Ars Electronica

ExploderSTL01A 0059
The 3rd of September, we’ll be in Ars Eletronica, one of the most important festivals of digital arts, to present the project « hello_world ! , three documentaries for open programming » in the framework of Scenes and structures.
The project, conceived by Ultra-lab, began in June with the collaboration of Raúl Alaejos, one of the two directors of the “Arduino documentary”, and aims to go on with the divulgation of the use of free culture in creative and training environments, focusing on three programming languages:
Processing, OpenFrameworks and Pure data.
After the first round of interviews, the project keeps going on with the premiere of the introductory video of the documentaries in this presentation.

Hello_world ! Presentation, Saturday 3th of Septembre, 8.30 p.m., Ars Electronica Center, Seminar room

Spanish version